I spend whole week doing some animation and when I thought that all is OK I saved FLA in order to continue tomorrow. But tomorrow Flash respond: “Could not load scene…” maybe file is damaged!? :red: I tried again but nothing helped. I thought that my hard disk is near death and found older file, save it on USB memory stick but same error. Maybe it’ s up to memory!?:h: I changed RAM, tested it with some programs but later afternoon no error with memory! :pa:
I transfered later all files on other PC, found older version of file that is still working, changed few things, save it but after try to load saved file again got error!
As I have SWF version of files I put on work SWF decompiler that did work fine but order of elements and other things were in weird order!:hangover:
Maaaan, that is so bad, I have no words about this stability & reliability of file-contents! Some boy asked me have I any backup files - yes, I have some older version but during last project I always saved in one file after each 5-10 minute! And like finally conclusion: I have nothing! It seems that there is only one good possible solution: to save work after each step in creation process under different names (file1.flv, file1a.flv, file1c.flv…)… funny and sad in same time:wasted: