Good Evening,
First of all im new here at but i have been going here to this site for help on source code. Im not an expert nor am i hardcore programmer, but i do enjoy using flash as a graphics design medium.
Question: Im trying to make a page where i duplicate a movie clip where i would load my images externally from a folder. Each duplicated movie clip should have a different image inside it. It doesn’t seem to work. Here is the source code i made:
var temp;
picArr = new Array(“img/GIFS/f1.gif”, “img/GIFS/f2.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f3.gif”, “img/GIFS/f4.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f5.gif”, “img/GIFS/f6.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f7.gif”, “img/GIFS/f8.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f9.gif”, “img/GIFS/f10.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f11.gif”, “img/GIFS/f12.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f13.gif”, “img/GIFS/f14.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f15.gif”, “img/GIFS/f16.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f17.gif”, “img/GIFS/f18.gif”,
“img/GIFS/f19.gif”, “img/GIFS/f20.gif”);
var limit = new int();
var i = new int();
limit = 19;
i = 0;
loadMovie(picArr*, container_mc);
trace("i: " + i + " limit: "+limit);
while (i<limit){
i += 1;
_root.container_mc.duplicateMovieClip(container_mc, “container_mc”+i, container_mc.getDepth()+1);
temp = “container_mc” + i;
temp._x = container_mc._width;
//setProperty(temp, _x, container_mc._width);
loadMovie(picArr*, temp);
trace("i: " + i + " limit: "+limit + " " + temp);
NOTE: All my trace functions are for debugging only. The “temp” variable is quite useless but i just thought maybe it couldn’t recognize “container_mc”+i.
It’s obviously quite brute force, but like i said, im no expert. :hurt:
I am attempting to make an Infinite Slider Menu (in this case picture folio…) using duplicate movie clip and dynamic image loading. I’ll worry about the cascading part later, i just need to make this work right now. Please, i need help :crying: