I have waited FOREVER for a Universal Binary version of Flash to be finally released. Now that I’ve finally got it, its performance is less than stellar.
I’m running it on a 2.16Ghz Intel Core Duo and 2GB RAM, and there is considerable lag when renaming layers, or when dragging the timeline across a simple shape-tween. Not only that, but when I export movies (Apple+Enter), the pop-up window that plays it is EXTREMELY slow, and it’s slow regardless of what’s going on, even if I’m only animating a circle moving from point A to point B.
What’s going on here? I’ve tried disabling all but the system fonts, closing the help window, and made sure I have no extensions running. Nothing helps.
The horizontal scrollbar in the timeline moves from side to side with great fluidity and ease, but dragging the timeline bar is awfully slow.
Did Adobe miss something here? I didn’t spend $1800 on this Design Suite to be stuck with a piece of software which runs FASTER on my 2.16Ghz AMD-powered PC (which I built over four ears ago).
Macs used to be the top-of-the-line in terms of Photoshop + Flash performance when they were on the PowerPC platform. But this whole Intel switch has really taken a hit on Flash.
I know I’m not the only one with this problem. Comparing the fluidity of the interface and overall response of Flash on a PC vs. Mac will clearly reveal the lagger.
Has anyone raised awareness about this? I’d be happy to start a webpage to collect signatures and write a strongly-worded letter to Adobe about this.
This is the downside of them having monopoly over the market. There is no competition for Flash, so they’ll just let us complain, or have us switch to PCs.