Flash CS4, AS3 - addChild after a MovieClip has played problem

In my .fla file, in frame 1 on the main timeline, I have a Button symbol in the display list. When that button is clicked, a function removes it from the display list, then adds a MovieClip (created in the library & exported for AS3) to the display list, then plays the MovieClip. Within that MovieClip, on the last frame is the stop(); function. The MovieClip is an animation of a transition from one room to another.

Everything works ok up to this point.

After the MovieClip is done playing, I need to add more whatevers to the display list (such as a button to transition back to the previous room).

The problem is I don’t know how to tell ActionScript to wait till the MovieClip has played before adding to the display list. When trying to get it to do so, it just skips to the last frame of the MovieClip, not playing the animation.

Please help.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

// Background images:
var background_01:Background_01 = new Background_01;
background_01.name = "background_01";

var section_01bright:Section_01bright = new Section_01bright;
section_01bright.name = "section_01bright";

var section_02bright:Section_02bright = new Section_02bright;
section_02bright.name = "section_02bright";

// --------------------------------------------------
// The Buttons:
var btn_goRight_01:Btn_GoRight_01 = new Btn_GoRight_01;
btn_goRight_01.name = "btn_goRight_01";
btn_goRight_01.x = 736;
btn_goRight_01.y = 300;

var btn_goLeft_01:Btn_GoLeft_01 = new Btn_GoLeft_01;
btn_goLeft_01.name = "btn_goLeft_01";
btn_goLeft_01.x = 63;
btn_goLeft_01.y = 300;

// -------------------------------------------------
// The MovieClip:
var sectionChange_1to2:SectionChange_1to2 = new SectionChange_1to2;


// Display list:


// Event listener and function:
btn_goRight_01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeToSection2);
function changeToSection2(event:MouseEvent):void
	if (sectionChange_1to2.currentFrame == 45)