Hi guys! Hoping someone can give me more insight on how to design the Flash Ecards i keep seeing. Basically, i like the idea of this one i’ll paste the link to, so what im wondering about it is, for the intro of it, how does the sound (and animation) load without so much as any hesitation, or preloading? Also, i gather the animation is a combination of masking images and some tweens, correct?
Now this is where im really stumped (and definitely hoping someone can help with this part), once the card intro loads, it comes to a menu screen where you can send it to a friend in email, send it to a friend in IM, some other links and also it has another sound library function - how do they do these items??
This last question is why im coming to the forum, as you guys have been such a great help in my prior questions, i figure something like this would be a piece of cake for you all :), and im serious! OK any help would be greatly appreciated, here’s the sample:
Please forgive the sample, but somehow i stumbled upon it and thought the idea of it was really cool! So hopefully someone here can help! Thanks in advance!
Hi again! OK, i posted this above. What im basically now just stumped on is at the end of the e-card, the various forms it uses. Does anyone know how to use the ‘email to a friend’ function in flash? Is it Actionscript or perhaps something else? If there’s anything anyone could advise on from my first post, it would still be much appreciated, but more importantly, i need to figure out this email to a friend function. ANY help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
*Originally posted by JenniferSal *
** so what im wondering about it is, for the intro of it, how does the sound (and animation) load without so much as any hesitation, or preloading?
The site does preload - when you see the “loading” sign it’s preloading.
*Originally posted by JenniferSal *
**once the card intro loads, it comes to a menu screen where you can send it to a friend in email, send it to a friend in IM, **
There’s a Server-Side mail script (most likely written in ASP, PHP, Perl/CGI, Python or Ruby) which is called using GetURL() or LoadVariables() and the various parameters (email, name, etc.) are passed as http: GET or POST headers.
*Originally posted by JenniferSal *
**and also it has another sound library function **
If it’s made in Flash 5 it’s streaming swfs, if it’s made in MX, it’s probably streaming MP3s
*Originally posted by jsk *
**The site does preload - when you see the “loading” sign it’s preloading.
There’s a Server-Side mail script (most likely written in ASP, PHP, Perl/CGI, Python or Ruby) which is called using GetURL() or LoadVariables() and the various parameters (email, name, etc.) are passed as http: GET or POST headers.
If it’s made in Flash 5 it’s streaming swfs, if it’s made in MX, it’s probably streaming MP3s **
Hi! Thanks so much, i forget sometimes with being on high speed, that there still may be a preload function. Duh on my part! But now on to this server side mail script and how to call it and such – is there by chance any tutorials around that could help me get the gyst of configuring something like that? Thanks so much for your help, its much appreciated!!
Oh, I think i did find that tutorial but it seems to be for making a form to have the emails go to a specific address that i input in the script, and not be able to have it go from the sender to whoever they’d like to send it to. Am I missing something maybe?? And thanks very much!!