Flash email form - problem with "onClipEvent"

This concerns the Flash Email Form Tutorial. (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_email.htm)

It works great but I have a problem with this function:

// show welcome screen

It just doesn’t work, when I hit the button, it sends the email form, but I don’t see the ‘thank you’ message, so the visitor don’t know that the message has been sent.

I think I know why though… When I make a website with flash, I usually have my ‘main’ movie with banner-buttons etc and I use empty movie clips that loads external swfs into the main movie… Is that clear? It’s pretty simple, I just don’t know how to explain it :expressionless:
Humm it’s like using <iframe> with html!

Anyway, I think it might be the problem, because I tried the movie alone and everything was working fine. So I was wondering if it could be fixed on the line “_root.nextFrame();” I think _root is the key here, but I don’t know that much about actionscript so I don’t know what to change.

You can check out what I’m talking about here www.nlqc.com its on the section ‘contact’ obviously… The website is in french but I don’t think that might be a problem for anyone to get what I’m saying.

Thanks a lot.