Flash email form with php problem

  1. I created my form exactly to the tutes specs [see send_mail_form.fla]

  2. i added the following to a new document in notepad:

$to = "alucardx@hisemail.com";
$msg .= "$email

mail($to, $subject, $msg, "From: My web site
Reply-To: $email

I saved it as form.php and then uploaded it to my site with the rest of the files.

For some reason, the swf with the form does not load, while the other swf does.

Also i am not sure it works, can someone check and see.


you can view my attempts at http://www.hinduvidya.com

It worked fine for me. Did you get the e-mail?

i’ve been working on it the past hour or so and figured out all the bugs.

I just sent myself a test email too…hasn’t arrived yet.

How long should it take?

It should send instantly. Double-check your variables and make sure it’s sending to the right address

i tried another email address and it sent perfectly. It works!!

This totally kicks butt :cool:

Glad you got it to work :slight_smile: