Flash film works in Netscape but not in IE?

As long as I try the film local, using local JPGs to be loaded

loadMovie ("bild"+count+"b.jpg", _root[newName]);

it works and displays both of the images.
As soon as I use a reference to the WWW

loadMovie ("http://www.empty-v.net/test2/bild"+count+"b.jpg", _root[newName]);

the first image will show up after a while, but the movie doesn’t notice (as confirmed with dozens of trace-lines in the code).
I narrowed the problem to the following: the code wants to see if the JPG/SWF is fully loaded by comparing the total_Bytes and the loaded_Bytes. BUT: when using WWW-Reference the getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal methods don’t work, they return 0 (ZERO!!!).
I tried to add

onClipEvent (data) {
	trace(this._name+" data received!!!");

which fires when loading local data, but doesn’t fire when using WWW-files.
Tried it uploaded on my server, Netscape works fine, IE doesn’t.
This sucks, doesn’t it?