Flash .Fla Conversion

Due to a computer failure my Flash CS4 was removed from my computer and it is not accepting my key…I am in the middle of a rather large project that i would rather not have to wait to complete; and when i say i’d rather not have to wait - i mean I absolutely don’t want this project to be delayed any father than it already has been. Two months is quite enough. I understand that registering just to ask someone to convert my flash files from CS4 to CS3 to Flash 8 (I had a back up copy of Flash 8 on my computer and it still functions properly.) Is kind of an A-Hole thing to do. But i dont have a choice as Adobe did not think that the cooperation between all flash files would be a good idea but thats beside the point. would some one do me a giant favor and convert my 3 files? Other wise the massive amount of work ive shoveld in to this along with my team would have been for not.

File 1

File 2

File 3

Thanks in Advance…
{Some one should really make a converter that does this so people like me dont get stuck on hold for stupid technical problems}