Flash Form not sending to MySQL?

I have a very important form that i have to have finished by the end of this week. I am using components from Flash 8 to create the form and can trace all the fields by their given var but it will not send the variables to the MySQL database?

I have checked the varialbes, but it’s still not working?

   // saving script
   // connect to the server
   mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'xxxxxx', 'xxxxxx' )
	  or die( "Error! Could not connect to database: " . mysql_error() );
   // select the database
   mysql_select_db( 'yea_users' )
	  or die( "Error! Could not select the database: " . mysql_error() );
   // get the variables from the URL request string
   $ID = $_REQUEST['ID'];
   $fullName = $_REQUEST['fullName'];
   $companyName = $_REQUEST['companyName']; 
   $userName = $_REQUEST['userName'];
   $password = $_REQUEST['password'];
   $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
   $address_1 = $_REQUEST['address_1'];
   $address_2 = $_REQUEST['address_2'];
   $city = $_REQUEST['city'];
   $state = $_REQUEST['state_cb'];
   $zip = $_REQUEST['zip'];
   $phone = $_REQUEST['phone'];
   $aboutCompany = $_REQUEST['aboutCompany'];
   $college = $_REQUEST['college'];
   $graduated = $_REQUEST['graduated'];
   $gradDate = $_REQUEST['gradDate'];
   $major = $_REQUEST['major'];
   $minor = $_REQUEST['minor'];
   $start_up = $_REQUEST['start_up_problems'];
   $business_plan = $_REQUEST['business_plan'];
   $buying_a_business = $_REQUEST['buying_a_business'];
   $zoning = $_REQUEST['zoning'];
   $selling = $_REQUEST['selling'];
   $pricing = $_REQUEST['pricing'];
   $marketing = $_REQUEST['marketing'];
   $financing = $_REQUEST['financing'];
   $patents = $_REQUEST['patents'];
   $import_export = $_REQUEST['import_export'];
   $website = $_REQUEST['website'];
   $legal = $_REQUEST['legal_issues'];
   $productDevelopment = $_REQUEST['productDevelopment'];
   $accounting = $_REQUEST['accounting'];
   // if $id is not defined, we have a new entry, otherwise update the old entry
   if( $ID )
	 $query = "UPDATE `yea_Users` SET `fullName`='$fullName', `companyName`='$companyName', `userName`='$userName', `password`='$password', `email`='$email', `address_1`='$address_1', `address_2`='$address_2', `city`='$city', `state`='state', `zip`='$zip', `phone`='$phone', `aboutCompany`='$aboutCompany', `college`='$college', `graduated`='$graduated', `gradDate`='$gradDate', `major`='$major', `minor`='$minor', `start_up_problems`='$start_up', `business_plan`='$business_plan' WHERE `ID`='$ID'";
	 $query = "INSERT INTO `yea_Users` ( `fullName`,`companyName`, `userName`, `password`, `email`, `address_1`, `address_2`, `city`, `start_cb`, `zip`, `phone`, `aboutCompany`, `college`, `graduated`, `gradDate`, `major`, `minor`, `start_up_problems`, `business_plan`,`buying_a_business`,`zoning`,`selling`,`pricing`,`marketing`,`financing`,`patents`,`import_export`,`website`,`legal_issues`,`productDevelopment`,`accounting` ) 
		 VALUES ( '$fullName','$companyName','$userName', '$password','$email','$address_1','$address_2','$city','$state','$zip','$phone','$aboutCompany','$college','$gradutated','$gradDate','$major','$minor','$start_up','$business_plan','$zoning','$selling','$pricing','$marketing','$financing','$patents','$import_export','$website','$legal','$productDevelopment','$accounting')"; 

   // save the info to the database
   $results = mysql_query( $query );


and the actionscript

submit_mc.onRelease = function() {
	var fullName = fullName_txt.text;
	var companyName = companyName_txt.text;
	var userName = userName_txt.text;
	var passWord = passWord_txt.text;
	var cpassWord = cpassWord_txt.text;
	var email = email_txt.text;
	var address1 = address1_txt.text;
	var address2 = address2_txt.text;
	var city = city_txt.text;
	var state_cb = statelc.getValue();
	var zip = zip_txt.text;
	var phone = phone_txt.text;
	var company = company_txt.text;
	var college = college_txt.text;
	var gradYes = gradYes.getData();
	var gradNo = gradNo.getData();
	var graduated = gradYes, gradNo;
	var gradDate = gradDate_txt.text;
	var major = major_txt.text;
	var minor = minor_txt.text;
	var start_up_problems = start_up_problems.getFocus();
	var business_plan = business_plan.getFocus();
	if (validEmail(vemail) && (!fullName.isInvalid()) && (!userName.isInvalid()) && (!comments.isInvalid())) {
		loadVariablesNum("signup.php", 0, "POST");
	} else {
		if (fullName.isInvalid()) {
			fullName = fnameErr;
		if (userName.isInvalid()) {
			lname = lnameErr;
		if (!validEmail(vemail)) {
			vemail = vemailErr;
		if (comments.isInvalid()) {
			comments = commentsErr;
		action = "";