Hi all,
I’m in major need of some help here. I created a website for the Grand Canyon Semester (www.grandcanyonsemester.nau.edu). The site is done in flash and needs to be able to output a formated email to the director of the program. I set this up in php and it worked great, only to find out the server the site is on doesn’t support php, only asp.
The tech guy in charge of hosting the site sent me an asp file which is supposed to output the results from the fields in flash to the director’s email. His form includes detailed ‘hidden’ notes on how to do this from html. However, I’m using flash and am not sure how to set this up. I can get the form to email the director, or myself - whoever but it is terribly unformatted and includes some strange values. To format the fields, he said to include a simple .txt file arranging how and what fields are in the email.
Basically, the flash file outputs the fields, the .txt formats them, and asp passes along the email.
I’ve posted my fla/txt/asp files at:
I’d like my flash file to check all entries for errors (which it does) and then output the results to the asp file. Also, I’d like it to send a confirmation email but it doesn’t seem to work.
Please note, at the bottom of the asp file is my email address, where the results are outputted to. You will need to change this to your email to test the results. Also, you need to be running on an asp enabled server or have downloaded an asp environment.
Could someone with a better technical knowledge than me please look at the instructions on the asp file and figure out how to format the output from my flash form to an email, and maybe even send a confirmation to the applicant?
Thanks for your help,