Flash freezeing on Firefox working OK in IE

Hi All,

It is my first post on this forum. I am just starting developing in AS3 using Flash CS3 and now CS4. I created flash banner: www.esluch.home.pl/flash/serie.html
It is my first project where I am not using timeline, all is created in AS3. Problem is when go to this page in IE7 or IE8 all is working OK but when go with Firefox 3 it is not stable. What i mean - not stable. Some times it start ok, all MC’s are loaded, but some times it freeze after 2,3 maby 4 MC’s. Please, press arrow on left or right and imediatly after that move very fast in different directions mouse over flash file - it will start creating strange things, not all is refershed correctly even it freeze flash player. Same problem is in projector or when playing movie in Flash CS4, but in Internet Explorer it working 100% correctly (can moving mouse like creazy and no problem). What I am doing wrong? For sure I have newest flash players on my computer even on other comtuters problem is same.
I am really confused what I am doing wrong :frowning:

Best wishes