I’m a complete noob at flash, but am trying to copy a picture gallery found here: (Don’t Laugh)
From using SWF decompiler, I get the following code:
// Action script…
// [Action in Frame 2]
slides_var = 0;
// [Action in Frame 3]
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
percent = _root.getBytesLoaded();
loadd = int(percent / total * 100);
current = loadd + “%”;
if (loadd >= 100)
} // end if
// [Action in Frame 4]
// [Action in Frame 5]
for (i = 1; i < 15; i++)
root["thum" + i].loadMovie(“thum_” + i + “.jpg”);
root.slides["pic" + i].loadMovie(“pic_” + i + “.jpg”);
} // end of for
// [Action in Frame 6]
What it looks like to me is the thumbnail movieclips get loaded in frame 5, and the pics get loaded into the slides mc at frame 5? (Are the pics loading into frames of the slides mc or something? )
Well I tried duplicating that, and the thumbnails load fine, but the pics don’t seem to be loading into the slides mc. so when i use the following button code:
on (press)
_root.slides_var = 1;
nothing happens to the mc. If I create keyframes IN the mc like the word 1, 2, etc. then when I press the button I see the mc switch to 1, 2, 3 etc…
confused yet? I am