Flash Game Tutorials: Great Site

Hey everyone,
I normally don’t plug other Web sites too much, but this one site is amazing. The URL is: http://outsideofsociety.idz.net/ Check out the games in Examples and his Tutorials; really great for creating games in Flash. Gotta love the Zelda example as well as Mario and others!

Kirupa :cool:

omGosh!!! this guy is so awsome! thanks for hte link!

cool! very cool!
btw Kirupa I noticed that you’ve messed with the fonts here a bit!(the size…) Or is it just me? :slight_smile:

Nice link.
Another set of games http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/

I’m hoping to have a collection that surpasses that… once I start getting more tme… hehe…

Peace Out