Flash game tutorials?

Does anyone know of some flash game tutorials (well explained ones). I have learned a little bit of action script from kirupa and would like to see what else can be done with action scripting.:slight_smile:


Game Technique tutorials out the wazoo.

try this one =)


I always forget to bookmark that site and I can never remember it’s name, so now I bookmarked it.

yeah… i’ve been looking all day for a stupid site and i can’t find it!! :stuck_out_tongue:
the only thing i remember is lines and lines of actionscript scrolling upwards while the site is loaded… ? :-\

Can’t say as it sounds familiar man. Sorry :frowning:

it’s ok. i should have bookmarked it :frowning:
but i’ll find it… eventually :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks guys.

yup =)

also, i’d recommend a search in the forums… :wink:
