Flash game tutorials

get for flash 5 plz

What kind of games are you interested in making?

any games

Now where DID flex go? :slight_smile:

Depending on what you want to create is how difficult it may or may not be…

Name off some common things and I’m sure I could whip up a small tutorial on how to do them… Just don’t make entirely too complexive… Cause the tutorial will just get longer and longer if you do… hehe…

Right now me and a couple of friends are creating a Role Playing Game using the Flash language and PHP integration to load through text files and the such… We got our own band backing us up with music scores and compisitions.

Peace Out,
Marz <:}

I guess somewhere like Flash Kit will have some source code / hints and tips for you. Otherwise, try a book specifically geared towards making games. There’s one out by a guy called Gary Rosenzweig, I think.

Na i did the flash kit ones and they sucked. I bought a pretty good book on how to make games but i can’t remember the name of it. Flex had the best stuff but I think he might be dead. He hasn’t been here in a while. His site still has some good info and FLA’s you can ripp apart