Flash GURU's - Please help

Hello Flash Guru’s,

Trying to use the Spinning image wheel.

When I click each image it works great by sizing from small to big.
What I want to do is I want to click on each image which should go to next scene or a movie.

Can you do this? Is anybody has done this using this FLA file, Thanks for your great help.
FYI my level in flash is Beginner.

Actually the action script CODE inside the FLA seems to be complicated, I mean complicated to me.

I was trying to attach the FLA File, but I was not successful.
So can you please click on the LINK to get the FILE.

Here is the LINK


Please help. Explain in detail or can anyone show me some sample by using on one of the image.

THanks for your great help

Sorry madras. I see you sitting in here waiting for a reply to your thread. I don’t have Flash on my work comp so I can’t check out that file right now. Hopefuly one of my peers here will take a look. Just be patient. :slight_smile:

no problem bud, you just want to know how to move to another frame or what?

This might help.

good call, I was working on the lvl’s when you posted that

Thanks Kirupians. I knew someone would come to the call. :slight_smile:

Thats what Kirupians are here for :bad:

Thanks Guru’s,

It works great. Thank You So Much.

Tips or Advice from GURU’S can anyone suggest me a site or recommend me a book for action-script, there lot of sites and books but I am not sure which one to pick for a starter.

FYI I i am just a beginner in scripting language
(action-script or javascript).

Question: Do i have to know javascript to understand Action-Script.

Thanks once again for your great help.