Hi All …am in need of some Flash Help!!
I am putting together a flash based project which will incorporate animations to play alongside music. I have encountered a couple of problems which y’all maybe able to help me out with (fingers crossed!). If you could suggest some online tutorials, resources or suggestions I’d greatly appreciate it. The probs are as follows:
Its a multimedia product which will need to have a tutorial section where id like to be able to go through the steps as to what you have to do and record each step so users can then watch it and be able to see how to use the product. I might need some motion capture software …any suggestions as to what would be best for this or ways around it? I dont want to have to purchase anything if possible!
I’d like to add a volume slider(so users can lower/higher music); any links to sites with a straightforward tutorial showing me how to create this effect?
I have a number of video footage with people doing various dance moves I want to be able to simplyfy the video and recreate in vector format. The idea is users will click buttons to activate each dance sequence. I was considering doing this using ‘rotoscoping’ anybody know where this maybe explained in depth? … or suggestions how to achieve this simply but effectively?
Users need to be able to select from a list of music tracks which will need to be able to scroll through and when you click a song it will then play. How would I do this?
Finnally! (nearly there) I want to have a gallery section which will alow users to scroll through a number of pre made movies(static images) and be able to select an image and drag it into a viewfinder ‘TV’ where it will then play in the TV!
I know Im asking a hell of of lot but any help, advice suggestions would be really appreciated.
Thanks everyone! :}