Flash Help - New to working with classes; in over my head

Hi, All.

I’m using Flash to program an interactive installation, despite little prior experience with ActionScript, and I’ve reached a point where poking around at other peoples’ posted code and seeing what works is no longer getting the job done.

The goal is a program that detects where a person is and has birds flock towards them (or away, if they’re making noise as detected by the mic). I have this working, but chasing the mouse rather than a blob detected by the camera.

I’ve also stripped down a blob detection code I found, and have been able to trace coordinates from that. The challenge now is to make the birds head for the blob coordinates (_target.x & _target.y in the file titled “MotionTrackerDemo.as”) rather than the mouseX & mouseY (see line 57 in the file titled “entityManager.as”). I’m having trouble figuring out how to access the coordinates created in the motion tracker where I need them in the flocking program. Hopefully this problem is not a greater one than it seems from my position of ignorance, but even if it’s something simple, I could use some help.

Any suggestions you can provide would be massively appreciated. Thanks.