Flash & HTML Frames

Hi, i need some help! i’m just new in flash 2004, and i found a kirupa tutorial about flash & html frames. I followed it with no problems, but at the end of it, i got a problem:

[font=Arial][size=2]Select the line that says getURL. We will start to fill in the information to make the button a real link. In the URL field, enter second.htm. Now, place your mouse cursor in the Window field. You will enter the name of the frame we are going to target…which is kirupa. Enter kirupa in the Window field. Your getURL Action window will look like the following image:[/size][/font]


[center]That’s my problem coz i can’t find the window above. I’m using flash mx2004. i did everything correct i think, but i got stuck on it . I don’t know how or where get the window to field the url. If somebody know how to do it please help me! thanks a lot![/center]

Before mx2004 the actionscript window had a “normal mode” and an “expert mode”… The window you see in your attachment is the normal mode. Since mx2004 the normal mode has gone, so now you’re an expert;)
The difference is that in the normal window Flash helped you with the code and in expert you have to do it yourself (fun:lol: )
Click the mentioned button and put this in the actionscript window:

getURL("second.htm", "kirupa");


Hi scotty, i just wanna thank u for the help. That’s why i couldn’t find that window.( i was thinking that i should start using an early version of flash). But anyway i got to keep going.

Thanks again man!:thumb:

no problem:)