Flash HTTPS Problem(Formatting Fixed)

[LEFT]Delete my other post, couldn’t get formatting to work on the new Kirupa… Glitchy as hell…

Here is a problem I can’t figure out how to get http communication to work from flash on a https page with amfPhp. The thing that I CANT change is the preloader must be on a HTTPS page. It’s a Facebook social game. In each case below I show the failure point in http communication in https loaded flash… And the situations where https works.

Preloader(On https page) > Game Client(Loaded over https) > https data connection works.

Preloader(On http page) > Game Client(Loaded over https) > https data connection works.

Preloader(On https page) > Game Client(Loaded over http) > http data connection fails - Can’t communicate with server via http

Preloader(On https page) > Game Client(Loaded over https) > http data connection fails - Can’t communicate with server via http

The only solution I can possibly think up to establish the amfPHP connection in the https loaded preloader to the http data gateway… Then pass a reference onto the game client so it can use the http connection established in the https loaded preloader. Would that work? Otherwise… I will need to get wildcard SSL certificates for each server… Not just the preloader.[/LEFT]