Flash - Maya Communication


I am trying to create an interface on flash that sends information over a port into Maya and controls certain things in Maya. I have been able to connect flash and maya to the same port but there is nothing that is telling Maya to listen to flash. Does anyone know a way that maya can communicate/listen to flash?

Here is a more detailed description…

Say I have a slider … This slider controls a value 1 to 5 … I have written the script in flash to make that slider control the radius of a sphere in Maya (using mel scripting) … so imagine I have two screens one with my flash interface with the slider and the other with maya and my sphere … I am trying to make it so when I adjust the slider in flash … the radius of the sphere in maya changes … I am just missing that middle piece where one listens to the other …

Hope someone can help … this could be a pretty awesome tool if figured out …