Firstly…I wasn’t sure if this post should be in flash 8 forum or the server-side forum so appologies if I picked the wrong one! Ok now for my problem…
I downloaded the free developers edition of FMS2 last week to get my head around it before asking my company to buy it…only trouble is now I cant ping the server or even request server information! I had a look on every FMS and FlashComm forum I could find to see if anyone else had a similar problem and only found one…but nody seems to reply on those forums.
I read this post and realised I had needed to change the date on my local machine afew days earlier to test a Flash app I was working on and now I cant get FMS2 to work properly. The post said I needed to “have a package installed called ‘seamonky_nspr’ which is on disc 1 of the ES” but seen as I only have the developers edition…there arent any discs?
I’ve tried restarting the servers, uninstalling FMS, rebooting my machine…even using system restore - but nothing seems to work. Any ideas how I can fix it?
p.s. I dunno what I’ve done but it lets me connect for between 10-12 seconds then nothing again. Just thought I’d add that incase it made any difference?