Flash Media Server HELP....!

HI there every one, i have just started working with Flash Media Server, i need little help with Chat Application that i building. I have build up connection and an area where ever one can send message , now i want to make privatized chat, means to say if a person want to chat with another person who is online, what will i do , show me the right path, i am also trying get some solution , so if i come up with something i will share it,

Here is the Document Class for Flash

	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.events.*;
	import flash.net.*;
	import flash.ui.*;
	import flash.text.*;
	import fl.data.*;
	import fl.events.*;
	import fl.controls.*;
	//import flash.net.ObjectEncoding;
	import drmax.utils.*;
	import com.greensock.*;
	import com.greensock.easing.*;
	import classes.*;

	public class SharedText extends Sprite
		private var _send:Button;
		private var _connect:Button;
		private var _txtArea:TextArea;
		private var _txtInput:TextInput;
		private var _nameInput:TextInput;
		private var _nc:NetConnection;
		private var _so:SharedObject;
		private var _msg:Boolean;
		private var _rtmpURL:String;
		private var _responder:Responder;
		private var _msgLabel:Label;
		private var _nameLabel:Label;
		private var _addUser:Responder;
		private var _getUsers:Responder;
		private var _friendsList:List;
		private var _dp:DataProvider;
		private var _connected:Boolean;
		private var _tip:ToolTip;
		private var _chatbox:ChatBox;

		//-----------------/Constructor Check---------------------\\
		public function SharedText ():void
			//uncomment below line if using FMS prior then 3.0;
			//NetConnection.objectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
			stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, checkKeys);

			//create User Interface
			createUI ();
			//crete ToolTip
			createToolTip ();
			//connect to rtmp server
			rtmpConnect ();
		//-----------------/Constructor Check---------------------\\

		//-----------------Create Basic UI---------------------\\
		private function createUI ():void
			//setup the text area
			_txtArea = new TextArea;
			_txtArea.setSize (450,300);
			_txtArea.move (20,50);
			_txtArea.editable = false;
			_txtArea.condenseWhite = true;
			addChild (_txtArea);

			//add the name field
			_nameLabel = new Label;
			_nameLabel.text = "Name";
			_nameLabel.move (20,360);
			addChild (_nameLabel);
			_nameInput = new TextInput;
			_nameInput.move (_nameLabel.width-25,360);
			addChild (_nameInput);

			//setup text input
			_msgLabel = new Label;
			_msgLabel.text = "Message";
			_msgLabel.move (20,390);
			addChild (_msgLabel);
			_txtInput = new TextInput;
			_txtInput.setSize (250,35);
			_txtInput.maxChars = 300;
			_txtInput.enabled = false;
			_txtInput.textField.wordWrap = true;
			_txtInput.move (_msgLabel.width-25, 390);
			addChild (_txtInput);

			//add the button
			_connect = new Button;
			_connect.label = "Connect";
			_connect.move (370,360);
			_connect.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, connectClicked);
			addChild (_connect);

			//add the button
			_send = new Button;
			_send.label = "Send";
			_send.move (370,390);
			_send.enabled = false;
			_send.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, sendClicked);
			addChild (_send);

			_friendsList = new List;
			_friendsList.setSize (150, 300);
			_friendsList.move (480,50);
			_friendsList.addEventListener (ListEvent.ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK, checkUser);
			_friendsList.addEventListener (ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, listRollOver);
			_friendsList.addEventListener (ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT, listRollOver);
			addChild (_friendsList);
		//-----------------/Create Basic UI---------------------\\

		//-----------------Create ToolTip---------------------\\

		private function createToolTip ():void
			_tip = new ToolTip("Some Tip text", true);
			addChild (_tip);
			_tip.showHide (false);
		//-----------------/Create ToolTip---------------------\\

		//-----------------Connect RTMP Server---------------------\\
		private function rtmpConnect ():void
			//setup the netConnection
			_rtmpURL = "rtmp://";
			//_rtmpURL = "rtmp://localhost/basicSO";
			_nc = new NetConnection();
			_nc.connect (_rtmpURL);
			_nc.client = this;
			_nc.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, checkNetStatus);
			_nc.addEventListener (AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, checkAsyncError);
		//-----------------/Connect RTMP Server---------------------\\

		//-----------------/Net Status Check---------------------\\
		private function checkNetStatus (eve:NetStatusEvent):void
			_msg = eve.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success";
			if (_msg)
				_txtArea.text = "Connected to Server.
				_txtArea.appendText ("Please enter a name and press connect before chatting...

				_so = SharedObject.getRemote("test", _nc.uri, false);
				_so.connect (_nc);
				_so.addEventListener (SyncEvent.SYNC, checkSync);
				//initiate new users
				_getUsers = new Responder(showUsers);
				_nc.call ("getCurrentUsers", _getUsers);
				_txtArea.text = "Cannot connected to Server. please refresh your browser.
		//-----------------/Net Status Check---------------------\\
		public function removeUser ():void

		//-----------------/Add Current User to List---------------------\\
		public function newUserAdded ():void
			//get user list
			_getUsers = new Responder(showUsers);
			_nc.call ("getCurrentUsers", _getUsers);

			//trace ("user added...!");
		private function doAddedUser (success:String):void
			trace (success);
			//enable the chat bar
			_txtInput.enabled = true;
			_send.enabled = true;
			_connected = true;

		//-----------------/Add Current User to List---------------------\\
		//-----------------get User List---------------------\\
		private function showUsers (userList:Array):void
			var totalUsers:Number = userList.length;
			_dp = new DataProvider();
			for (var i:int=0; i < totalUsers; i++)
				if (userList* == _nameInput.text)
					_dp.addItem ({ label: userList*, data:userList*});
					_dp.addItem ({ label: userList*, data:userList*});
			_friendsList.dataProvider = _dp;
		//-----------------/get User List---------------------\\

		//-----------------List Events---------------------\\
		private function checkUser (eve:ListEvent):void
			if (eve.item.label != _nameInput.text )
				_chatbox = new ChatBox();
		private function listRollOver (eve:ListEvent):void

			if (eve.item.label != _nameInput.text )
				_tip.setText ("private chat : <b> " +eve.item.label+"</b>");
				switch (eve.type)
					case "itemRollOver" :
						_tip.fadeIn ();
					case "itemRollOut" :
						_tip.fadeOut ();
		//-----------------/List Events---------------------\\

		//-----------------Connect User---------------------\\
		private function connectChat ():void
			//add currentUser to chat list;
			if (_nameInput.text != "")
				_addUser = new Responder(doAddedUser);
				_nc.call ("addUser", _addUser, _nameInput.text);
				_connect.enabled = false;
				_nameInput.enabled = false;
				_txtArea.appendText ("Name cannot be empty...
		//-----------------/Connect User---------------------\\

		//-----------------/Sending Messages---------------------\\
		private function sendMessage ():void
			if (_txtInput.text != "" && Number(_txtInput.text) != 0)
				_so.setProperty ("msg", _nameInput.text +" : "+_txtInput.text);
				_txtArea.appendText (_nameInput.text + " : " +_txtInput.text+"
				_txtInput.text = new String();
				_txtArea.verticalScrollPosition = _txtArea.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
		//-----------------/Sending Messages---------------------\\

		//-----------------Event Handelers---------------------\\
		private function checkKeys (eve:KeyboardEvent):void
			//trace (eve.target)
			if (eve.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)
				if (_connected)
					sendMessage ();
					connectChat ();
		private function checkAsyncError (eve:AsyncErrorEvent):void
			trace (eve.error);
		private function connectClicked (eve:MouseEvent):void
			connectChat ();
		private function sendClicked (eve:MouseEvent):void
			sendMessage ();
		private function checkSync (eve:SyncEvent):void

			for (var i:uint; i < eve.changeList.length; i++)
				switch (eve.changeList*.code)
					case "clear" :

					case "success" :
						//trace (_so.data.msg);
					case "change" :
						_txtArea.appendText (_so.data.msg+"
						_txtArea.verticalScrollPosition = _txtArea.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
		//-----------------/Event Handelers---------------------\\

and below is the SSAS that i using

//Application first start

users  = [];

application.onAppStart = function ()
	trace ("test application has been started...!")

//when client tries to connect

application.onConnect = function (currentClient)
	//accept the client if there is slot in array
	currentClient.addUser = function (uName)
		for (i = 0; i < application.clients.length; i++){
		return "user added successfully..!";
	currentClient.getCurrentUsers = function ()
		//return the property to client Object;
		return users;

application.onAppStop = function (info){
  	trace("*** onAppStop called.");
    if (info=="Application.Shutdown"){

application.onDisconnect = function(currentClient)
 //When currentClient leaves put the element back in array


i will very thankful if any one can help me fast