Flash Menu Battle Rules

A menu/nav bar with main heads and possibly subheads

Full freedom to use anything (sound, pics), but no bigger than 100kB (it has to be usable afterwards :))

flasherjaz, morse, vdesigns, syko, BillyBaker, ilyaslamasse, eudora, Liam

Monday 19 may 03

Good luck!

pom :slight_smile:

wats the date today???
wats the day today???
how many days to sunday???

look below your post count…

ya well, atleast i promise mine, ya u r rite, single entry can’t b valid.But i ll make it anyway.

*Originally posted by Majeye *
**(no file attachment)

MOD: delete this post if the issue is resolved… **
Yeah, let’s start with an open mind… :egg:

My entry will b done soon, may b i ll post it by today evening :slight_smile:

I dont wana sound lik m givin an excuse or somethin, just got real busy.Battle was a commitment so here goes.

Complete that in couple of hours , sorry it’s not a winning entry i kno, still it’s an entry i promised :s:

…:: c l i c k h e r e ::…

wots going on?
all of u participated and noone has posted anything?

They have till the 19th, so I’m sure they may be cooking up something interesting between now and then =)

we 've got great kirupa himself here :slight_smile:

ya even i m hoping to see some really cool ones, i bet ilyaslamasse is up2 something groovy :thumb: and so are others.
Dis is my first battle as a host and a participant,altho my entry sucks.I will b really disappointed if my battle also goes down as one of the worst :frowning:

Thanx anyway :slight_smile:

I’m working on mine. Not sure I’ll be done by tomorrow though :-\

same… we can’t have an extension, can we? :q:

Howmuch extention u guys need? if others agree tht after this extn they ll also submit their entries. Sure,why not.But will Mods allow that?

time’s up???
is dis finished?

sorry, im not done mine :frowning:

I’m done. Not much, mainly actionscripted, and bugged as hell :stuck_out_tongue:


It looks very small on my comp, no idea why. Here it is again:


Concerning the time extension, I agree to give you one or 2 days more, but that’s all. It’s still a battle :slight_smile:

If you import the Arial font in your library, you’ll get my menu with this code (piggy style, sorry :beam: ) :

subSections=[["Myself","and I"],["First","Second","Third"],["smth","else","than","this"],["mail","address","fax"]];

k = .2;
damp = .9;

function fadeOut (cli){
	this._alpha /= 2;
	if (this._alpha < 2) this.removeMovieClip();
MovieClip.prototype.springTo = function (){
	var dx = this.targ_x - this._x ;
	var dy = this.targ_y - this._y ;
	this.vx += k*dx ;
	this.vy += k*dy ;
	this.vx *= damp ;
	this.vy *= damp ;
	this._x += this.vx ;
	this._y += this.vy ;

function createButton(clip,texte,size,dep){
	var cl = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("but"+dep,dep);
	var tf = new TextFormat();
	tf.font = "Arial";
	tf.size = size;
	tf.selectable = false;
	tf.color = "0xff0000";
	cl.section.text = texte;
	cl.section.embedFonts = true;
	var c = cl.createEmptyMovieClip("but",1);
	c.ind = dep;
	c.onPress = function(){
		a = subClip.length;
		if (a > 0)
			for (f in subClip) subClip[f].onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
		var q = subSections[this.ind].length;
		var radius = 75;
		subClip = [];
		for (var p = 0; p<q ; p++){
			var b = createButton (this._parent,subSections[this.ind][p],15,p+10);
			var ang = 2 * Math.PI * p / q ;
			b.targ_x = this._parent._width/4 + radius * Math.cos(ang) ;
			b.targ_y = radius * Math.sin(ang) ;
			container.targ_x = Stage.width/2 - this._parent._x;
			container.targ_y = Stage.height/2 - this._parent._y;
	cl.onEnterFrame = springTo;
	return cl;

container._x = Stage.width/2;
container._y = Stage.height/2;
n = sections.length;
radius = 100;
for (var p = 0; p<n ; p++){
	var b = createButton (container,sections[p],20,p);
	var ang = 2 * Math.PI * p / n ;
	b.targ_x = radius * Math.cos(ang) ;
	b.targ_y = radius * Math.sin(ang) ;

container.targ_x = Stage.width/2 ;
container.targ_y = Stage.height/2 ;
container.onEnterFrame = springTo ;

E.T… phone… home…

Great work Man, this is beautiful.Way better than mine, then again i lost it to action scripting:( hehehehe
thanx man, but I m confused bout our battle, is anyone else even interested in sending some entries?

i have almos completed …but a time limit is a time limit
this is not a competition … this is to know ones capabiliteies and to help the newbies…
so lets upload