Flash menu needs several clicks to be active

As in the title, i’ve some flash elements in a php page, one of these is a menu that open some php page (target: _top)
I do not why, every time it has to be clicked several times to go at the correct page, seams that it need to bee first activated with some clicks :deranged:

the menu is in (and open) these pages (left column, snow, x-mas, and scuola logos):


[FONT=Arial]the actionscript is a simple:[/FONT]

this.snow_mc.onRelease = this.snow_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () {
    getURL("discovery_snow.php", "_top");
this.xmas_mc.onRelease = this.xmas_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () {
    getURL("discovery_xmas.php", "_top");
this.scuola_mc.onRelease = this.scuola_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () {
    getURL("discovery_scuola.php", "_top");
