Ok, this seems relatively straight forward but I am getting tricked a bit…I have a page being created in dreamweaver that basically is information about pictures and then has a link for each group of pictures…What I want to do is have each link staggered down the page, when a person clicks the link I want it to play a flash movie clip that I have made for each group of pictures that basically works like a photo album…I have the flash movie made so that part is done, the question I have is how do I do this combining flash into dreamweaver…I know how to do it if it were flash only considering the movie clip would simply pop up over my original flash work…But in dreamweaver I am use to having to place a flash movie in the file and it takes up a certain amount of page space, this is what I don’t want…I want to be able to click on one of the links I have made and have my original dreamweaver page stay in the background while the photo album simply appears like a small pop up window to play my movie clip…any suggestions? thanks…
make a new page blank page and insert your flash( i believe you know how to insert flash… if not just say so and i’ll let you know) … upload your page to your server with its address location of course
the code you need is here just replace “ENTER THE ADDRESS LOCATION OF YOUR FLASH PAGE HERE” with the address location for your flash page you just uploaded
<script type=“text/javascript”>
function open_win()
var z = window.open(“ENTER THE ADDRESS LOCATION OF YOUR FLASH PAGE HERE”,“_blank”,“toolbar=yes, location=yes, directories=no, status=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, width=600, height=600”);
z.onload = function () {
<input type=“button” value=“FLASH” onclick=“open_win()”>
that should be it
… if not pm me and let me know
one question… i guess u are uploading this to the net?.. not just playing around with dreamweaver at homewith no plan to upload it ?