Flash Multi User RPG like Habbo

I want to try and make something like Habbo Hotel or Coke Music for Blue Globe and I can’t do enough Flash, Director or PHP to do the thing.
I have had an idea about how it could be done though, using Flash Communication Server to make the Apartments and the same for the ppl.

I think I will need an expert at:
Graphics - I could do this
Flash/Flash Comm. Server

If you wanna see what I’m talking about, look at Habbo Hotel or look at Coke Music

i’d like to help out but im not good with much :confused: i just started learning flash a few months ago

ok, I dunno when I’m gonna start, but you can sorta tlk 2getha about how ur gonna do this if u want. I might have to postpone this for a bit cos I am making a HTML version of my site

This sounds like fun. Send me an IM (AIM) at BPSshirase or email at xeogears13 (AT) aol.com

I have a php flash communication system I am working on that I would be willing to help you out with…

I already have a working chat room running through it and am currently working to expand it further.

Found this on Google… Anyway, you can try Mokitown or [URL=“http://gameslikerunescape.info/games-like-habbo/”]games like habbo
Mokitown is kinda kiddish though… The other 1 just has games like habbo…