The thing is that I am trying to make a Flash Text Editor with the posibility of changing the font and size (for each one of these I will use a ComboBox). I have a movieClip that has a button and a dynamic textfield. By simply clicking the buton I will drag and drop the movieclip and by double-clicking the button I make the textfield begins ‘input’ and ‘selectable’. For the first time everything works just fine until I kill the focus of the textfield. After that I can hardly doubleclick -ing again and i just don’t know why.
This happend only by using Flash MX 2004 components. if I only import any Flash Mx 2004 component into the Library (without even draging it to the stage), I’ll have this problem.
to understand better what I mean please click this link: [COLOR=#333333]http://www.eurogaz.ro/rring/textedit/[/COLOR]
I allready done this project using Flash 6 components and everything works properly. Can I still make this project using Flash Mx 2004 Components ?