Flash MX 2004 game design demystified - Isometric Formula

Hi all,

   currently i am developing an isometric game with a friend. We managed to get hold of a book "Flash MX 2004 game design demystified" and it sure provides lots of useful information.

   However, we will unable to fully grasp the understanding of one of it's formula which coverts an isometric co-ordinates system (x,y,z) to a flash base co-ordinates system(x,y).

   The formula is as follows:

   xp = xpp*cos(45) + zpp*sin(alpha)
   yp = ypp
   zp = zpp*cos(45) - xpp*sin(alpha)

   x = xp
   y = yp*cos(30) - zp*sin(30)
   z = zp*cos(30) + yp*sin(30)

   That will be it.

   Please enlighten me about this formula. Thanks!