what you’ve written is like:
if (CONDITION) { do nothing }
and about the $mail_to … if you don’t have any variable in flash with that name, you’ve obviously made a mistake… create that variable or change your code
about the fact that you want the user to know if your .php sent the email or not… it’s very simple…
if you want to use header() as I have seen… do something like this:
I really do appreciate your help and feel I am close to a conclusion. Since I last posted I have decided to try and generate a php variable if the mail was sent. I have set up flash, or I am trying to at least, to receive the value of this variable.
The code is as the attachment.
What do you think.
It is generating an error on line 26, something about an extra or uneeded =
Could I remove the echo line of the code or is this needed??
//mail($Name." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $EmailBody, "From: ".$Name." <".$Email.">");
//don't use the mail() command twice as it will send two mails...