Flash mx and php

I have been trying for a few days to obtain information about the users of sites. No success so far.

In flash I am using:

loadVariablesNum(“mailPHP.php”, “0”, “POST”);

My php code is:


I know I have made an arseup somewhere.

Who knows?


[edit]by lostinbeta to show code…
Kaotic: Use [ PHP ] [ /PHP ] (without spaces) to show your HTML and PHP code since this forum converts that.[/edit]

I don’t know how Flash and PHP work together, it isn’t really my area, but I think the problem lies within your PHP script, it doesn’t look right to me. I just started learning PHP and created by own mailForm script, but I don’t know how to write one that will work with Flash like that.

the correct .php file would be:


echo "mail_to=\"". $mail_to ."\"&browserType=\"". $browserType ."\"&mediaTypes=\"" . $mediaTypes . "\"";

the thing is you have to print the content of the variables like this:

for multiple variables, you can use the ampersand (&) between variables, like this: var1=var_value1&var2=var_value2

and one more thing… in the .php file do not use <html> […] tags… print out only the variables and their content

have fun :wink:

Even though it wasn’t me having the problems, I still want to thank you for that info.

I don’t work with server side flash, but am thinking about getting more into it, this is definitely good knowledge to have :slight_smile:

Thanks for the code. My only query is that I wanted the php file to generate an email. At the moment it only generates the code as shown in:


I guess through the echo command

Would you have an idea how to use the mail() command to send the variables through email.

I seem to keep screwing the mail command up, getting errors such as:

Warning: Wrong parameter count for mail() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs est.php on line 11


the mail() php command prototype is like this:

bool mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]])

so, if you want to email ‘some1@yahoo.com’ with the subject ‘wassup’ and the message ‘hello there’, you would use:

if (@mail("some1@yahoo.com", "wassup", "hello there"))
     echo 'email sent';
else echo "problems sending the email :/";

in your case, use:

if (@mail($mail_to,"subject",
     "browser= " . $browserType . "<br>" . 
     "mediaTypes= " . $mediaTypes))
  echo 'email sent';
else echo "problems sending the email :/";

and you’ll have an email with these things :slight_smile:

hope i’m being usefull :slight_smile:

… why wasnt this one moved to serverside scripting?

Very good question senocular. I didn’t even notice it was in the Actionscript section.

I moved it now.


Thanks for the good eye :wink:

[SIZE=1]::because as you can see I am missing one…lol::[/SIZE]

OK my final php code is :

$ToEmail = "northls@nbkayaking.com";

$ToSubject = “Enquiry”;

$EmailBody = "Sent By: $FirstName
Senders Email: $Email

Message Sent:



mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $EmailBody, “From: “.$FirstName.” <”.$Email.">");


As you can see I have defined variables for browser type and media types. But I am having problems getting the values passed into the email. I get errors if I add thjem to the email body part of the mail command

Any pointers


your code is a little bit confusing…

first, put the $browserType and $mediaTypes in $EmailBody.
second, what variable is $ToName ? you’ve used it as the first parameter in the mail() command: $ToName." <".$ToEmail.">".

if ($ToName) is not defined, then the mail() tried to send an email to an invalid address

i would explain you better, but i’m in a hurry… tomorrow i start school early :confused:

$ToName is a variable passed into the php script through flash. The real problem I have is adding additional variables, would this work as the php body?

$EmailBody = "Sent By: $FirstName
Senders Email: $Email

Message Sent:



I am new to php coding and this is my first meaningful script therefore I am not sure about correct form of coding etc.


I’ve had success with:

$ToEmail = "northls@nbkayaking.com";

$ToSubject = “Enquiry”;

$BrowserType = $HTTP_USER_AGENT;

$MediaTypes = $HTTP_ACCEPT;

$ServerName= $REMOTE_ADDR. " " . $REMOTE_USER;

$EmailBody = "Sent By: $FirstName
Senders Email: $Email




mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $EmailBody, “From: “.$FirstName.” <”.$Email.">");

Only trouble is that $HTTP_ACCEPT returns / and the BrowserType returns Mozilla rather than IE,

Any ideas?

hmm… have no ideas on this one :((
anyone there who can help?

hmm… it just popped out of my mind… you can use get_browser() for determining the browser type and some other stuff… maybe this will report the right browser;

i’ve searched right now on php.net about this function; look at the following example on how to use get_browser():

function list_array ($array) {
    while (list ($key, $value) = each ($array)) {
    $str .= "<b>$key:</b> $value<br>
    return $str;
echo "$HTTP_USER_AGENT<hr>
$browser = get_browser();
echo list_array ((array) $browser);

would write something like:

Mozilla/4.5 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.9 i586)<hr>
<b>browser_name_pattern:</b> Mozilla/4\.5.*<br>
<b>parent:</b> Netscape 4.0<br>
<b>platform:</b> Unknown<br>
<b>majorver:</b> 4<br>
<b>minorver:</b> 5<br>
<b>browser:</b> Netscape<br>
<b>version:</b> 4<br>
<b>frames:</b> 1<br>
<b>tables:</b> 1<br>
<b>cookies:</b> 1<br>
<b>backgroundsounds:</b> <br>
<b>vbscript:</b> <br>
<b>javascript:</b> 1<br>
<b>javaapplets:</b> 1<br>
<b>activexcontrols:</b> <br>
<b>beta:</b> <br>
<b>crawler:</b> <br>
<b>authenticodeupdate:</b> <br>
<b>msn:</b> <br>

don’t worry about this example, because the browser in this test was really mozilla (the test was run under linux)

so try this function…


In a previous reply you used the echo command to display the results of my mailto() script. I would like to redirect users to another html page which will display the results of mailto().

The script I have used is:

$ToEmail = "northls@nbkayaking.com";

$ToSubject = “Enquiry”;

$BrowserType = $HTTP_USER_AGENT;

$MediaTypes = $HTTP_ACCEPT;

$ServerName= $REMOTE_ADDR;

$Date= date("d/F/y


$EmailBody = "Sent By: $FirstName
Senders Email: $Email

Message Sent:



mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $EmailBody, “From: “.$FirstName.” <”.$Email.">");

if (@mail($mail_to,“subject”,
"browser= " . $BrowserType . “” .
"mediaTypes= " . $MediaTypes)
header(“Location: http://evolt.org”));

The last section header … I have added.

It doesn’t work at the moment. How would the echo command work with the header line, or am I way off the mark.

Know anything about launching pop-ups with php??


Sorry that this question has been posted twice, I did it completely by accident.

Completely all right. I took care of it for ya :wink:

well, in case of succes, header() to .php page that says ‘email sent’ or something like this… otherwise, header() to a .php that says ‘not sent’;

furthermore, you can header() to a page like x.php?mailto=logik&browser=ie6 --i mean, transmit the parameters, and procces the $_POST parameters ( if(isset($_POST[‘mailto’])) echo … )

if you want to display what the mail contained in the page you’re redirecting… just put almost the same code with echo(), not with mail()

Know anything about launching pop-ups with php??

well, you can pop-up a window with javascript with the window.open() command

for further help, just let me know :slight_smile: