Hi! I’m VERY new to Flash MX, I usually have been posting over in the MX forum, but i finally got the upgrade (whoo hoo!)! I have been contemplating an interactive sliding background/button possibility and Ilyas and someone else have been quite helpful and i know the basics of it now. I do have one other question though! On this example, the buttons to load the different backgrounds are in the right hand corner of the main background image that loads. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/charliesangels2/base.swf
My question is, how do they get the buttons that you click on to turn into buttons for the ‘main’ background that first loaded? No matter which button you click on, it does this, and ive never seen a Flash 5 tutorial for something like this, so im assuming its a MX concept. Any help or ideas or where to find a tutorial to do something like that would be greatly appreciated! (if i knew what the name of that concept was i would search for it, but im not sure what that type of function is called! Tried looking though!) Thanks in advance!!