(Flash MX) dynamically load jpegs

Hey gang,

I have been asked to build an automated slideshow for a photographer.

What I need to do is simple. I have 20 (quite large) jpegs and we just want someone to be able to click a button and launch a full screen slide show that runs by itself.

Because of the size of the images, I cant just put all 20 images in one MC and preload it…it would just take too long.

Instead, I’d like to dynamically call each jpeg approximately every 5 seconds.

Any ideas?

Thank you!!


why don’t you run an empy mc with 5 times the fps as amount of frames in it. When it reaches the last frame load an image then play the mc again, everytime it reaches the last frame it should load an image. That would be rather small

hmm…interesting idea…cool, will give that a try!!

Thanks Seticus!