is it possible to add links to text that is loading externally in scroll bars??
this is the tutorial i followed. but i can’t seem to find a way to add links or bold parts of a sentence. i tried adding html tags to the txt file, but they just show up in the text box without any interactivity:
HTML tags is the way to do it, but you must enable HTML rendering for that textbox. You do that by checking the button with the “<>” on it, in the property inspector when that textbox is selected.
Then, you must set the htmlText value instead of the text value for that textbox. So no longer textfield.text = “something”, but textfield.htmlText = “something”. Then, your html tags will be displayed correctly
Note: You can also set the HTML property through actionscript:
textfield.html = 1
textfield.htmlText = "text goes here ... <a href=''>Link to</a> for example."
but why doesn’t the underline or color change happen for links. it works, but no one will know where the link is:
inserttext=Recordari <b>volo transactas</b> foeditates meas, et carnales corruptiones animae meae, non quod eas amem, sed ut amem te, deus meus.