Flash MX Mail form vs Flash 5!?

Hey guys, I’ve got a really weird problem with my flash php mailform.
It works fine both in flash 5 and MX, BUT - when I use my danish characters (å ø æ) only flash 5 makes it. When saving the .swf in flash 6, wich is nesserry cause I’m making my movie in MX, it sends some really weird characters, instead of the ones typed.

In other words, my mail-form works fine using flash 5. And when using flash MX, only english characters are shown in the mail! WHY???

I’ve tried to embed fonts and everything, but for me it seems to be a bug in MX!??

here is the AS used:

on (release) {
    	if (!Email.length || Email.indexOf("@") == -1 || Email.indexOf(".") == -1) {

	else if (!FirstName.length) {

	else if (!ToComments.length) {
	else {
		loadVariablesNum ("MailPHP.php", "0", "Post");
		ToComments = '';
		Email = '';
		FirstName = '';
		Fon = '';

and the PHP used:

$ToEmail = "myMail@domain.com";

##$ToName = "anyName";
$ToSubject = "anySubject";

$EmailBody = "Sendt af: $FirstName
Afsenders Email: $Email
Afsenders Telefon: $Fon

Denne besked var sendt af: $FirstName med følgende IP-nummer: $REMOTE_ADDR";

$Message = $EmailBody.$EmailFooter;

mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $Message, "From: ".$FirstName." <".$Email.">");
