Flash MX menu prob

My site is in frames so i need to know what actionscript i would put on the button to tell it the go to the center frame when my frames for the site loook like this…

l l
l l
l l
l l
l l

Thnx for any help:bandit:

Sorry Im at work and dont have flash handy. But you can check the actionscript dictonary in flash to get it right.

you need to use something like this

goto (_totalframes / 2)

if thi doesn’t point you in the right diretion, Im sure someone will give you the exact script soon enough.


I had no idea what this guy was talking about, but you seemed to have a bead on it, I knew you would immediatly contribute to this site. And I am so glad your still here!

By the way if things go bad and you need an explosives expert, give me a ring…

Awwww thats mighty nice of you to say that…

Perhaps next time im stuck you might help me then…
