Flash MX movement

i have a moving man by mouse with the following code

the only problem is say after u put ur mouse over it wen it was facing left and it stopped facing left, and then you put your mouse out to the left again it would move but in that stop position. do you know a solution to make it continue walking after you rollout?[AS]man._x = 0;
speed = 10;
facing = 0;

man.onEnterFrame = function()
endX = _root._xmouse;
man._x += (endX-man._x)/speed;

	if (facing == 1)
	if (facing == 0)
else if (_root._xmouse < man._x) {
	if (facing == 1) {				
		facing = 0;
else // if (_root._xmouse > man._x) 
	if (facing == 0)
		facing = 1;


again, in english!! maybe a file too?!?!

thats the swf and watch. stop him looking right and then simultaniously after pull the mouse out to the right ull notice he’s not moving untill u spin him around again

still not really following, it seems to work fine from what I understand

hmm i dno really how to put it. do these exact steps:
put ur mouse to the right(far right)
and then touch the mc
then put ur mouse out to the right again
he shouldn’t be walking he’s just sliding


it doesn’t seem to happen every time, if you move quickly off the mc it begins walk again, slower however, causes it to slide.

sorry, after all of this I have no idea how to work around it. Unless you use a onClipEvent(mouseMove) instead of enterFrame.

thanks n e ways

did you try using mouseMove?

how will using mouseMove make it work?

digigamer: just an idea bucko!!! more than you offered.

*Originally posted by ratbaggy *
**digigamer: just an idea bucko!!! more than you offered. **

Accually I wrote everything in that script except for the easing part. I am just wondering how it can be fixed with mouse Move because I sure don’t see it.

lolz well that just made me look useless

you made and animated the pretty astronuant ;).

*Originally posted by Digigamer ***
Accually I wrote everything in that script except for the easing part. I am just wondering how it can be fixed with mouse Move because I sure don’t see it.
And I’ve actually already answered that.

*Originally posted by ratbaggy *
**And I’ve actually already answered that. **


so any other suggestions anyone?