Allright. The first thing I will say about this is… [COLOR=RED]** Please do not spam or post comments in this topic. I will be creating a second thread on comments and replies to this… If you have somehting to add to this though… Please reply in this then.**[/color]
It’s a small request I think… But now… On with the show… it appears that alot of people do not udnerstand the objects that are set up in Flash MX currently already… When you mention a certain function in say an array or a moveclip… People just look at you funny… Well look funny no more… I plan to cover all the following objects topics and I’m going to explain each function in it in a decent type manner so that you may be able to understand the functions of Flash MX.
(the titles in green are the ones completed and displayed below. The one in orange is the one I’m currently writing.
Object Discussions Planned
Using Objects
[color=green]How to…[/color]
In Core
In Movie
In Client / Server
(I would do XML but I haven’t studied this extensively, maybe sen can add on to this with the XML objects?)
I also plan on discussing the Actions that Flash MX allows you to do.
Please check back here regularly and again… Please do not spam this. If a mod could please make sure this post does not get spam filled I would appreciate it… I will update as often as possible.
My COLOR chart… For the following tutorials I will use the following color chart to “explain” things.
[color=red]Notes[/color] - Special notes that I place on things here and there to specify specific things I say or to offer a new way to look at something I do.
[color=orange]Storage Types[/color] - This can be used to describe anything that stores a value (variable) or an object inside of it.
[color=blue]Special Items[/color] - Special commands such as new or this or _root will be displayed by using the blue color.
[color=green]Functions, Methods or Properties[/color] - This is used to describe the functions, methods or properties used in conjunction with all the objects we use here.