Hello everyone, and a happy new year to all (if a little bit late)
Now, i can use flash, and i can use photoshop. not a problem. where i am falling down is combining these 2 skill to create a smooth flash design using elements i have creted in photoshop.
When i look at sites such as www.3d-sign.com it must be photoshop!! it has to be!! its an awesome layout, but i want to know how to get the same sort of quaility finish. How do you guys work?? do you make the whole layout in ps and then transfer to flash to animate? personally im stumped, and i can’t find any sort of tutorials for this kind of flash+ps intergration.
Well i hope you guys can understand my question, if not, then i will try and explain again. im guessing there is many ways in which to do it, so if you could just point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance guys. andy , out.