<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>
WHY does the above listed dcotype declaration (automatically generated by Flash MX Pro when publishing an HTML page) screw up viewability in Netscape 7? I basically found this out by accident, but since have been forced to weed through all my sites to remove this declaration.
The way in which it is screwed up is as follows: The SWF appears at the very top of the browser window and is chopped off in the middle. Basically, you can only view the lower portion of any SWF in Netscape. What a crock!
ALSO, Netscape does not appear to support the new Media Components in Flash MX Pro. This is very bad news unless someone knows of a workaround.
FINALLY, sometimes in Netscape (and I’ve also seen this in IE), an unwanted square (about 30 x 30 pixels) appears in the top left corner of my SWF for no apparent reason. It appears to be a button of some sort but does nothing but crap up my site. Has anyone else noticed this?
I hope someone has some answers for these bugs.