I’m in need of Flash php help. I have 2 things I’m trying to figure out. It has to do with sending email form results in flash.
How can I include radio button results and drop down box results when sending the form results? I want my visitors to be able to type in their name, email, message, choose between 2 radio buttons, and make selections on (at most) 9 drop down boxes, and I’d like all this info and their radio and drop down boxes selections emailed to me.
I can’t figure out how to do this.
I’ve done the http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_email.htm
and I’ve gotten that to work…kinda of…but can’t add any other form of input.
2nd question is…using the tutorial listed above…how/where do I add in extra input text boxes? I mean, this one shows how to get the name, email, and message from visitor. But I’m trying to add an address input, and phone input. Do I need to add those to the php and if so where exactly? How can I get this extra input included in the body of the email. I’m lost.
Thanks for any help!