Flash not calling the right actions

I have a mask (m4) that covers a picture(pics.pictures4) that fades in to another picture within the same movie clip. When the mask is at a certain dimension I what the picture to move according to the specified cordinates.
Here is the code

    if ((m4.width==little_square) && (m4.height==little_square)) {
        pics.pictures4.picsizes (67, 160);
    } else {
        pics.pictures4.picsizes (217, 250);
    if ((m4.width==square) && (m4.height==little_square)) {
        pics.pictures4.picsizes (221, 67);
    } else {
        pics.pictures4.picsizes (67, 67);
    if ((m4.width==little_square) && (m4.height==square)) {
        pics.pictures4.picsizes (67, 157);
    } else {
        pics.pictures4.picsizes (67, 250);

For some reason the code does not work at all. Please help. I am not sure what the problem is.