Hi everyone, I’m new here.
I have been toying with flash 5 and flash MX for a few years and a couple years ago I started getting into actionscript for making games. I am just a beginner, but I am learning. I haven’t been experimenting with Flash for a while but when I found out that the new Sony PSP Firmware had Flash 6 support in the browser I had a sudden impulse to start making my own flash animations and games for my PSP.
Well I was a little dissapointed that the complicated animations ran a little slow and there was no keyboard support.
But at least the mouse, sound and graphics work which is enough to make simple adventure and RPG type games.
I am curious if anyone else has tried making their own flash content for their PSP yet.
I find that 480 X 270 and 20FPS Flash docs run the best, the browser can open the flash files directly by going to file:/Anywhere/Flashfile.swf