Flash only load 35 of 41 XML childNodes


I’m having trouble loading a XML file with AS2.0. I’ll copy&paste a reduced version of my XML.

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso-8859-1”?>
<mem curto="«Pânico começa em pleno voo»" dia=“1977-11-21” fonte="«teste»" path=“jornais/1977-11-21 Capital Panico comeca em pleno voo.pdf”/>

The firstChild “jornais” has 41 <mem> childNodes. But when i trace the variable that holds th XMLdata it says “35”…

My Actionscript code looks like this:
var jornEntries:Array = new Array();
var jornXML:XML = new XML();

jornXML.load (“BaseDados/jornais.xml”);

jornXML.ignoreWhite = true;
System.useCodepage = true;

jornXML.onLoad = function (success)
jornEntries = jornXML.firstChild.childNodes;

Please, i’m getting sooooo desperate…
Thank You