Flash pathing?

**Hey, I have a movie loading onto my main flash file using this code: **

//Preload Navigation
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“watcher2_mc”, 3);
this.createTextField(“percentage2_txt”, 4, 130, 375, 40, 30);
this.percentage2_txt._height = 20;
this.percentage2_txt.border = false;
this.percentage2_txt.textColor = (0xFFFFFF);
this.percentage2_txt.background = false;
this.watcher2_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
var its = this._parent.navstub_mc.getBytesTotal();
var al = this._parent.navstub_mc.getBytesLoaded();
if (al == its && al>4) {
this._parent.percentage2_txt._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = null;
if (!isNaN(al/its)) {
this._parent.percentage2_txt.text = Math.round(((al/its)*100))+"%";
//Load Navigation
this.navstub_mc._x = 25;
this.navstub_mc._y = 137;

Now—that movie is going to be my site’s navigation. And i want to trigger its actions to happen from the main timeline… I have managed to path it out:

test.onRelease = function(){

but when i actually go to trigger a function it doesnt work:

_level0.navstub_mc.menu_mc.B.team_btn.onRelease = function(){

Does anyone know what i am doing wrong?