Flash/photoshop hell - preserving quality of original jpgs

ANYONE out there know why, when I have a very sharp photo that was saved/resized from Photoshop (a jpg) that I open in Preview (mac image viewing app) it looks perfect, as it should look, but once I import it to Flash with lossless and high quality settings, it looses some of its saturation and a little bit of darkness? I’m STILL working on my friend’s photo site and this is a problem she first brought up. I don’t know what to do, none of my flash books cover this for CS3. I’ll have to totally restructure this site to have the photos dynamically loaded if I can’t resolve this problem within Flash… or between Photoshop and Flash. I know that’s more professional anyway but I don’t have the time to restructure this site’s image galleries, over this one little problem


oh, and I just tested externally loading one of these images. Same ■■■■ problem. Siiigh. There must be some setting necessary that I’m missing. Maybe the color profile of the image when saved from Photoshop before Flash handles it?

briotron, did you ever solve this?
i’m doing a portfolio-site for my company and i’m experiencing the
excact same thing… this is just ridiculous…



Try using sRGB color.
I have had no problems with image washout, using this setting.