Flash PHP Email Problem

Hi all,

I am trying to implement a comment form for a flash page using a php email system. I am new to flash, but I got it working for the most part. The problem is that I receive emails, but they are blank and do not contain the info I put in. Below is the Actionscript I used and the php I used. Any help would lbe gret. Thanks!


on (release) {

if (!FirstName.length) {
EmailStatus = “Please Enter your name.”;

else if (!Email.length || Email.indexOf("@") == -1 || Email.indexOf(".") == -1) {
EmailStatus = “Please enter a valid E-mail”;
else if (!ToComments.length) {
EmailStatus = “Please enter your message”;

else {
loadVariablesNum (“MailPHP.php”, “0”, “Post”);

php code

$ToEmail = “jbb@hotmail.com”;
$ToSubject = “Flash contact form”;
$EmailBody = "Sent By: $FirstName
Senders Email: $Email

Message Sent:
mail($ToName.” <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $EmailBody, “From: “.$FirstName.” <”.$Email.">");