Flash php emailer problem


I’ve just been trying this flash php tutorial :


and I’ve run into a problem.

I’ve downloaded the source and email.php files and uploaded to my server (which does have php enabled). When I test this and type my name, email and then a message into the fields it sends ok but in my mailbox I only receive a blank email. It has the correct name and email but nothing from the message section.

I’ve copied the php script exactly from the tutorial, only changing the first part to contain my email address:

$sendTo = "flashqueston@hotmail.com";
$subject = “My Flash site reply”;

any help would be much appreciated.

ahh I’ve figured this out now. The php file that’s in the zip file you can download is actually diffent from the one in the tutorial. The one in the tutorial refers to the message section of the form as:

$message = $_POST[“message”];

where as the one that you down load refers to it as $_POST[“body”];

A problem I’m having now though is with the

// show welcome screen

which is attached to the form movie clip in the flash movie. When I test the movie it doesn’t advance to the next frame when I press the send button. I do however recieve the message in my inbox. The movie clip is sitting on the main stage and not inside another movie clip.

I’m not sure why? Any help would be much appreciated.