I tried out the tutorial on creating forms in flash with PHP from http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_email.htm
It works great, however I had to add some extra stuff, as the form has the request as below : firstname, lastname, address, phone, website and comments.
In the PHP coding for email.php from Kirupa’s example, the code is as below:
$message = $_POST[“message”]"];
However, I’ve added the input text in flash for address, phone and url address the user can submit to. I changed the coding below, and please dun laugh as I just started wading the water with PHP:
$message = $_POST[“addressbar”]. $_POST[“website”]. $_POST[“phone”]. $_POST[“comments”];
When I click the submit button, it works fine, accept when I check in my email, the contents in “addressbar”, “website”, “phone” and “comments” are all joined together with no space in between. Example as below when I check my email to test the form.
Is there any way to separate them to look like this in my email?:
Do help! Boss is breathing down my neck!